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Our Products

Arcade Storefront Theme 2.1.8

Upgrade your video game shops look and feel with Arcade. It’s bold and modern design will engage visitors and the unique homepage layout will present them with a variety of products as soon as they hit your homepage.

Empathy – A vCard WordPress Theme 1.4.1

Empathy is the reformer way of representing your online identity. Empathy’s unique animated layout and sleek design will show what you have to curious eyes.It has plenty of customization options that you can tune it up to reflect your style in minutes with no hassle.

GeneratePress Premium 1.8.3

GeneratePress is one of the best free WordPress themes, but it becomes more useful and features rich when we install the premium add-on pack for GeneratePress. You need to have the free version of GeneratePress installed before installing the premium version. The premium version has 14 add-ons that add many features to the theme. The…

Easy Digital Downloads Wish Lists 1.1.7

Integrate the wishlists feature in your EDD based store, which allows your users to save a product to their wish list, which they can consider to buy later on. Wish Lists can also be used as marketing techniques, as we can provide discounts on the products that are added to the wishlist, as we can…

Import from eBay to WooCommerce 1.7.1

This plugin will get you started with WP-Lister if you have already listed all your products on eBay. You will have your WordPress powered e-commerce site up and running in no time, without adding all your products and categories again.

LearnDash LMS Course Access Manager 1.0.0

Course Access Manager allows you to add basic access levels to your site, which is a great option if you don’t need all the features of a robust membership plugin. It can create free and paid access levels. It can also upgrade users to new levels. This add-on allows you to sell access levels via…

Give Manual Donations 1.4.6

Now create manual donations with the help of Give Manual Donations add-on. If someone has donated you manually (offline or by any other means), then you can create and attach that donation right from your WordPress dashboard. You will get all the options to fill related information about the donation and attach it to any user.…

Digital Pro Theme 1.1.3

It requires Genesis Framework to be installed. If you’re building a business around digital goods, you need a theme that will support your efforts and won’t get in the way when you’re marketing your digital products. Digital Pro builds trust with a friendly, open feel and clean, easy-to-read typography.

WordPress Real Media Library 4.5.4

Buy WordPress Real Media Library 4.5.1 for $6.99 or download for FREE by subscribing to our Yearly Membership Plan. Join the club of more than 5500 happy members.

WPMU DEV Custom Sidebars Pro 3.2.3

Now have a complete control over your sidebars with Custom Sidebars Pro. You can create dynamic custom sidebars based on user, post type, archive, tag, and category. You can even clone and share sidebars. No coding is required and you can have a sidebar as per your requirements.

WPMU DEV User Activity 1.1

Monitor the activity of your users with the help of WPMU’s User Activity plugin. You can even filter user activities by time frames like 5 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, etc. In addition, it also provides real-time reports of active users. It has support for multisite network websites.

YITH WooCommerce Booking and Appointment 2.1.4

Integrate a booking system on your website where your customers can book your service or product or place with ease. All the booking process is automatic and is handled by YITH Booking plugin. There are many customization features available which can be used to modify the plugin according to your need.

Toolset Types WordPress Plugin 3.3.9

Toolset allows you to add custom post types, fields and taxonomies to your WordPress sites, but that’s barely scratching the surface. The real power of Toolset is what you can do with these custom types, without writing any code.

Super Forms – MailChimp Add-on 1.4.22

Create or update your Mailchimp subscribers. If the email address does not exist for the selected list, a new subscriber will be added. Optionally you can let the subscriber confirm their subscription by sending the default MailChimp confirmation email. If the email address already exists for the selected list, the subscriber information such as, First…

YITH WooCommerce Deposits and Down Payments Premium 1.3.5

This plugin is very useful if you sell high priced products. The customers can deposit some amount as a down payment for a product so that no other person can book that particular product. Customers are not able to pay a huge amount of money at a time, so they can book the product by…

5sec Maintenance Mode 1.2

Buy 5sec Maintenance Mode 1.2 for $4.99 or download for FREE by subscribing to our Yearly Membership Plan. Join the club of more than 5500 happy members.

Pretty Links Pro 3.1.0

Pretty Links helps you unlock more affiliate revenue from your existing content … it’s like a surprise inheritance!


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